RLS Events

Past events

24/10/2023    Beijing

RLS Delegation met with Vice Director Yuan of CPAFFC

On 24th of October the Head of the Asia Department (Mr. Philip Degenhardt) met with the Vice Director Yuan of the Chinese People's Asociation for Foreign Countries Mr. YUAN Mindao.

22/09/2023    Beijing

On September 22, 2023, Institute of Party History and Literature (IPHL) and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Beijing Representative Office (RLS-BJ) held a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony in Beijing, at which the Director-General, the International Department of IPHL, Mr. Yang Mingwei, and the Chief Representative of RLS-BJ, Dr. Jan Turowski, signed the MOU on behalf of the two sides, respectively.

23/06/2023    Beijing (Peking University)

On 23rd of June 2023 Peking University held a PhD Workshop in cooperation with RLS Beijing Office.

03/07/2021    Wuhan

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What would Rosa Luxemburg say in the face of the changes in the world history in the post-COVID-19 era? The commemorating symposium was held at School of Philosophy, Wuhan University, during July 3~4 2021. There were around 30 participants attending this workshop including scholars from China Academy of Social Science, Bejing Normal University, Shanghai Normal University, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Shanghai Business School and People’s Publishing House etc.

29/04/2021–01/05/2021    Beijing (Peking University)

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The School of Marxism, Peking University and the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Beijing Office organized a series of workshops, conferences and publications about „Economy of Socialist Eco-Civilisation“ starting from 2019.

05/11/2019    Beijing

2019 the International Workshop on “Sino-German Socialist Eco-Civilization Workshop: Socialist Rural Eco-civilization: Theory, Practice and Innovation”

The international workshop on “Sino-German Socialist Eco-Civilization Workshop: Socialist Rural Eco-civilization: Theory, Practice and Innovation” was held in CCPS on Nov. 5 2019 with about 40 international and domestic participants including senior officials from Ministry of Ecology and Environmental, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, and professors from China Agricultural University and CCPS as well as representatives from local communities.

The workshop has connected the ideological, political, institutional and practical levels of rural socialist eco-civilization both in China and Germany, and provided both sides with better opportunities of improved mutual understanding of socialist eco-civilization in both contexts.