The Chinese development model has changed repeatedly in recent decades. The People's Republic is still in the midst of a rapid process of change and search, the results of which are almost impossible to predict.
All of this makes it difficult for observers in both the West and China to grasp and evaluate the political and economic transformation. However, while it is repeatedly emphasized in the country itself that the "tentative" search process is geared towards "modern socialism" ("On the way to a better life in the new era"), China is categorized as (state) capitalist in the West and also occasionally within the left, and the Chinese self-description is dismissed as a propagandistic empty formula.
The Chinese, thoroughly controversial debate on its own model and its internal logic and possible direction of development, its norms and constraints, is mostly unknown in the West. This volume aims to remedy this situation.
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Editors/Authors - Headline will not be displayed
The editors:
Meng Jie is Professor of Political Economy and Deputy Director of the Institute of Marxism at Fudan University in Shanghai; Jan Turowski is Chief Representative of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Beijing Office.
The authors:
Yan Yilong (鄢一龙) is Deputy Director of the Institute of Contemporary China Studies at Tsinghua University. He has published 13 books and provides policy advice to the State Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Land Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other relevant ministries and commissions.
Wu Fenghua (吴丰华) is a professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Northwest China. He has led two research projects of the National Fund for Social Sciences. He is the editorial director of The Chinese Journal of Political Economy and secretary general of the Shaanxi Provincial Regional Economic Research Association.
Qi Hao (齐昊) is a professor at Renmin University and a researcher at the National Research Centre for Socialist Political Economy of Renmin University. He is a member of the international editorial board of the journal Competition & Change. His research areas include Marxist political economy and post Keynesian economics.
David M. Kotz is Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His research interests include the social structure of accumulation theory, the theory of economic crises and Russian economics. He is the author of The Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Capitalism and Revolution From Above: The Demise of the Soviet System.
Gong Gang (龚刚) is a professor at Yunnan University of Finance and Economics and Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Director of the Institute of Finance. He holds a PhD from the New School in New York and has taught at the National Institute for Economic Policy in South Africa, Bielefeld University, Leiden University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University. His research areas include contemporary Chinese economics, macroeconomics and development economics.
Wang Yunbin (王云斌) is a professor at the Research and Training Institute of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and director of the Minzhi Centre for Research on Urban and Rural Communities. He was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Social Work at the University of Toronto and editor-in-chief of the Ministry of Civil Affairs' academic journal Social Welfare. His research areas include social welfare, social construction, social work and the civil justice system.
Huan Qingzhi (郇庆治) is a professor at the Faculty of Marxism at Peking University. He is the director of the "Research Group on China's Socialist Ecological Civilisation" (GRGSE). From 2002 to 2003 he was a visiting scholar at the Harvard Yenching Institute in the USA, and from 2005 to 2006 and 2009 a visiting scholar of the Humboldt Foundation in Germany. His research focuses on Western Marxism, environmental politics and European politics. He has published eight monographs.
Sun Wei (孙巍) is a senior project manager at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Beijing office, a visiting scholar at the University of Vienna and a board member of the Beijing Environmental Law Society. She does research and organising work in areas of socialist theory, Marxist ecology, social transformation and international dialogue and exchange.
Chen Yiwen (陈艺文) is a PhD student at the Faculty of Marxism, Peking University. His research focuses on ecological Marxism, theory for ecological civilisation and its construction. He has published several articles in journals such as Contemporary Marxism Review and Journal of China University of Geosciences.
Cui Li (崔莉) is a professor at the Faculty of Tourism Studies and director of the Institute for Governance Modernisation of Ecological Civilisation at Beijing International Studies University. She is the author of several monographs and articles, including "Study on the mechanism for realising natural resource capitalisation - the 'eco-bank' in Nanping city as an Example" (2019).
Zhang Yue (张悦) is a research assistant at the Department of Tourism Studies Beijing Foreign Language University. She is a research assistant of the team "Ecobank, Focus: Forests" and the team "Ecobank, focus: old buildings" team of Fujian Province in 2020. Her research field is ecology and sustainable development.
Ding Pingjun (丁平君) is a staff member of the research project "Communities" at the Centre for Health and Environmental Research of Lijiang City. She is the editor of the book "Gazing at the cradle of the dust storm: a photo story of humans and the environment in Alxa" (2007). She has also made documentary films such as "Where is Home" (2010), "Quicksand" (2011) and "To the Origin of the River" (2013).
Yang Shanhua (杨善华) is a professor at the Department of Sociology, Peking University. He is the author of several books including "Perception and Insight: Phenomenological Sociology in the Practice", "Witnessed Modern China: The Living Wisdom and Emotional Experience of the People of Beijing", "Cracks in the reform: Huang Zonghan and Beijing Dongfeng TV factory in ice-breaking trip" and "Sociology of Aging".